911- egg bound or prolapse???

on the phone with the vet and he said at this point breaking it is the only thing that might work. Pretty much she is gonna die and breaking it might save her. That just doen't sound right to me.... man oh man...
Is she pushing, trying to pass the egg?

If she is you can try to hold the protrusion in while she's pushing and see if the egg will travel up in to the vagina (is it a vagina in a chicken?). I did have one that the uterus with egg in it was protruding from her body. I was able to remove it through surgery I performed myself.

If you think you want to try it email me, I'll try to walk you through it. It should turn out OK as long as that is her uterus we're looking at. Hard to know for sure not being there.
oh thank y'all so much for trying to help me. She didn't make it. I was trying to push the egg and hold the prolapse part while she was trying to push it out. It looked like it might just work (I had her vent all lubed up with KY) and her bowel? ruptured. She started bleeding pretty bad and my dh put her down for me. I am so sad. Thanks everyone for trying to help. I'd love to hear about this surgery robin416. Email me please. I'm an RN and work on people and not above chicken surgery. They all are just starting to lay and I hope this doesn't happen again. This would have been the first day to get more than one egg.
I sent the email. As an RN you will understand the ramifications if it goes wrong. But you have nothing to lose if it ever happens again.

I think Spotted might remember what I did to save Bleu.

Wes, would you post your drawing of the reproductive tract again? My computer crashed about three times after I saved it the first time. Its a good one and helps to understand quite a bit.
I am so sorry.
Sometimes this just happens. It won't make it easier on you to read this, but sometimes thngs happen that you just can't help with. You did nothing wrong and there was probably nothing you could have done differently than what you did for a better outcome.
Thank yall so much. Even my hubbie who normally could care less about my chickens was asking me all day "did ya hear back from the chicken people". He knew I was checking the site and running back out to try different stuff. Yall sure have been a blessing. At least I had something I could do instead of just watching her. Thanks again.

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