9mo+ old Ameraucanas still not laying


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Clay, Alabama
Okay, I hatched some Ameraucanas in the spring--true Ameraucanas from a breeder. It was not a good hatch--only 2 roos and 2 hens (well, technically still pullets). Anyway, they are a little over 9 months old and still I haven't found a single egg...or any remnants of one in the run or coop area. Unfortunately, due to a total reconfiguration of our coop/run and needed additions plus all the uncooperative weather we had here over the summer, they were in pretty cramped quarters (a very large cage with occasional access to an outdoor pen) for a while.

However, for several months they have been in a partitioned area of our coop to separate them from the rest of our laying flock and another rooster. The also have all-day access to a fairly large run (probably 4-5' x at least 15' x 5' tall) of their own. The two roos started fighting :-( , so I moved one of them out a couple of weeks ago. Since the coop area is a partitioned area of a large coop, there is no place to put nest boxes, but I have a hutch in the run--click "hutch" to see what I'm talking about. Hubby added two nest boxes, and we just leave the door open like in the pic. I realize that sometimes hens don't use the boxes provided right away, or sometimes never, but they just don't seem to be laying at all.

Any ideas on what else to consider? Or do you guys think it is just because of the less-than-desirable situation in the beginning that has delayed them. I have Marans that were hatched a month after them and were in a similar situation, and they have just started laying sporadically...the biggest dang "first eggs" I've ever seen, by the way! Maybe it's just the Ameraucana breed???

Should I be concerned that there is a health problem? They have feed/water daily, as well as a calcium supplement available which they aren't eating.

Thanks for any input!!
I feel your 'pain'! I have two true Ameraucanas that are 40weeks old and not one egg..Their combs and wattles are still pale pink. I thought I had roos but everyone thinks they are hens. I have mine in a 7x10 coop and their run is 10x15 for twelve chickens. They have everything I can think of that would make a chicken happy/healthy.. Fresh food and water--all the time. Their coop and run are safe and secure (no predators and nothing bothering them). They have fresh greens pulled for them every am and they have access to the free range for at least two hours every day--some days it's almost all day.. I give them no scratch..they get oats, BOSS, peanuts, raisins, millet for treats.. They don't have worms, mites or lice. My brown egg layers (7) lay almost every day... So, I am going to stop worrying about it, let Mother Nature take care of it... Dance when I FINALLY get colored eggs..
I think it's just the breed. I have 23 hens (five different breeds) and the Americaunas are the last to start laying. All the other breeds have been laying for the past 2 to 4 weeks and only 1 Americauna seems to be laying. I wouldn't worry about it, they will eventually lay.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one with a problem.
Maybe it is just the breed. Also, all of my hens have been in their molt anyway and are just now starting to lay again, so maybe it's just one of those things... Thanks for your posts!
I'm glad to hear this - I have an Ameraucana that is at least 33 weeks old, and no eggs from her as yet. I was thinking that maybe she would be one of those chickens that never lay eggs. All my others (BA, RIR, WL, RSL, BR) have been laying for 2 - 3 months now.
Are there chickens that just never lay eggs?

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