A bit of an emergency


In the Brooder
May 5, 2020
There was recently a fire at my house and we have only 4 surviving birds. 3 chickens and one duck.

Due to the damage to their respiratory systems and eyes we had to move them inside the house so they can be under constant observation.

They are in a small cage but there is plenty of room for them al and we let them out daily. THE PROBLEM is that the duck keeps attacking one of the chickens. It's always the same one, her name is Pumpkin. Anyways Pumpkin can't sleep in the cage without Ming Ming (the duck) biting her. Why is she being so aggressive and why only towards the one bird? Is there anything I can do?

Here's a picture of the cage and Pumpkin trying to sleep on top of it.


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Is there anyway to separate the duck? I know yall have been thru! maybe this duck is trying to dominate the chick. I would move the duck away from the chickens ( if possible). Also, the duck has shared in this traumatic experience so no telling how or what they are feeling. For all best interests I would advise keeping them separate during this time given the current situation. I am sorry for all u are going thru.
Was Ming Ming in with the chickens in the previous housing or was she in a flock of other ducks? I would suggest more space if possible and maybe getting another duck for company if she is unaccustomed to living with chickens?
Was Ming Ming in with the chickens in the previous housing or was she in a flock of other ducks? I would suggest more space if possible and maybe getting another duck for company if she is unaccustomed to living with chickens?
She's always lived in the same area with them... we used to have a couple other ducks though, so maybe she's just being aggressive because she's upset.
UHG....fire is so scary! :( Sorry for your losses.

She's always lived in the same area with them... we used to have a couple other ducks though, so maybe she's just being aggressive because she's upset.
Very stress full being moved and confined.
Might need separate crates.

Was the coop destroyed?
Wondering if you are in a wild fire area?

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