A brief intro..

Hi, I'm a day old chick on this site and introducing myself. I live in SE Pennsylvania, Delaware County and new to the world of raising chickens. My intent in just a few loved backyard pets that will be dual purpose eventually, as egg layers. I've done some research into breeds and think austrolorp, buff Orpington and RIR may be the best candidates for us. I have a 10yr old, so kid human friendly chickens are our hopes.
I would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and ideas... And welcome constructive criticism. Take it easy on me. I'm still learning.
Welcome to the community!
If you want friendly chickens, it all depends on how they are raised, however, you can improve your chances! Reading through this thread will help!
If you ever need any help navigating around here or you just wanna chat, drop me a PM or a message on my profile! And if you need any advice, come find me here

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