A BYC CHANGE OVER REALITY. All need to read.

The font size is the same, as far as I can see and has been said above. Although I don't see a difference in brightness, I think some folk like me are noticing a difference in contrast.
Can someone clarify for me what they mean about font size? Font size of what exactly? Where? Been trying to figure out what everyone is talking about because I don't see any smaller font on the forum. And now, we have the ability to make it larger in our posts. The post font size is actually decent size, no smaller than the old size. The stuff at the bottom of the page in the brown area is a tad smaller, but that isn't part of the main forum you're are actively using, really.

I also don't understand the brightness issue. I didn't adjust my monitor and this seems no brighter than the other one.

On the home page the problem is not as bad, partly because the topic headers are bolded and larger font. But the intensity of the blue bars or the width is creating such a contrast against the white background it is causing eye strain.

On the topics page are headers bolded but a smaller font and against the white is very difficult to read.

Its just too much bright blue and bright white. And the font does appear smaller on my monitor. Is it a trick of the eye because of the color choices, I have no clue. I just know that it hurts to be on this site for more than a couple of minutes. Much of this could be solved by changing to black or finding a way to tone down the white. Enlarging the fonts on topics pages.

I'm sorry, visually, this site is not the same as the old one for me. I use both FF and IE and they appear the same on both.
I understand the frustration many feel. I HATED this platform on the first test. It was a HUGE change! But after seeing other options and playing here for a few weeks this was hands down the best option for the future of BYC.
[COLOR=000080]Thank you for understanding. It is all new, and with new comes frustration. It will take time....[/COLOR]
I agree. A lot of us are frustrated about the new changes. I'm one of them. I'm not one to bite my tongue either. It's not that we are complaining or whining, as most of you are saying. We are expressing how we feel. I think that is still allowed on this forum the last time I looked at the rules. I'm sure that everyone who is expressing how they feel, are very appreciative of BYC, Nifty, the mods, the engineers and everyone else who has worked hard to make BYC a great forum. So for those that are not having any trouble or any issues with the new site and LOVE the site right now ~ good for you. I"m glad everything is working out for you. For those of us who are having a difficult time adjusting to the change, please allow us time to work through our issues the same way that the Nifty and the engineers are working through the issues on this site. For those who are complaining about the "complainers" AND whining about the "whiners", sounds like you are in the same C&W boat (complaining and whining). Just saying. ;)
I would think yesterday was rough but was to be expected. I am on a member on serveral websites and this new one compares to the new, high speed ones I am used to. I liked the old BYC because it was so easy but this new on is amazing, very well though out and though at times you may not feel like it, it was executed very professionally. And after only one day of reading and playing around with it, it was fun and easy. You guys have done a fantastic job! I showed my husband your stats page and he was AMAZED at the number members, posts and threads. He said, "There REALLY are a ton of chicken lovers out there!"

Thanks to you, we love, raise, treat and are more knowledgable about our chickens. Not to mention the wonderful new friends we have made on your site. Thank you for all that you do.
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It was expected and discussed endlessly. Not as severe as the last migration. One issue we can't resolve right now or with the last move is being able to answer the same question on 18 different threads and asked in 5 different places on that thread. We may be a fast and organized group but not that good.
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I have to say that the new format wouldn't be that bad if the Recent Reviews could be removed and the Blue color was changed to something less bright.
I seen a lot of people complaining about the recent reviews bar, the color and getting migraines from this new format I hat to say it but I see a lot of the old stand by BYCer leaving.
I cant tell you how many email that I received yesterday and today asking what other poultry forums I used, It's sad to say but, I believe that there are a lot of thing that may have to change if BYC wants to continue being the "largest" poultry forum on the net


Please have those people contact support so their issues can be addressed. Complaining to you does nothing to improve or catagorize consensus. That and issues need details to rack issues down.
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If someone could let me know if a PPM member is able to get rid of the reviews/ad column, then I would consider paying for that membership! Other than that, these changes are taking some getting used to but I Really Like It!!!
People are going to have troubles unfortunately and not everyone is going to like it. This was a HUGE change for everyone. I don't think there is anything wrong with constructive complaining. If you're not happy with it, say why, and maybe it can be fixed or explained... I just don't like all the "I hate this" and "this sucks" comments. They aren't helping anything. I have been happy to see that last night and this morning, the boards are getting active again, just like the old BYC!
If someone could let me know if a PPM member is able to get rid of the reviews/ad column, then I would consider paying for that membership! Other than that, these changes are taking some getting used to but I Really Like It!!!

That is part of the PPM package being discussed.

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