A cold chicken?


May 24, 2022
I recently added a new bird to my flock. Funnily enough, she wasn’t planned, but instead rescued from the street and after a few weeks of her being quarantined as we tried to find her owner, we gave up and slowly integrated her. She’s now just fine with the flock. However, I think she’s cold. She’s a smaller bird than my other two. I believe she’s a speckled houdan? She’s also thinner with less feathers. My area isn’t the coldest, but there have been chilly winds during the day when they’re out and about. I’ll pick her up and she’s shivering slightly. No other health issues from what I can tell. I read houdans arent the best with the cold. My other chickens are fine. Is there a way to keep this one as comfortable as the others? A small cape or jacket?
If she’s shivering, yes, she may be cold. You said she’s thin as well. She needs proper nutrition. Since she’s the new girl, make sure she’s not being kept from the food. Worming’s not a bad idea… might be why she’s thin. I’ve never used saddles, etc, so I can’t attest to any effectiveness against cold. It really couldn’t hurt though. 😊 Her best chance is to have her healthy and gaining some weight again. She’s gorgeous. Very sweet of you to rescue her. ❤️
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Ive finally gotten time to respond to everyone’s helpful comments! I’ve tried to take some pictures, but it’s showed nothing but her being a normal chicken! The shivering is almost unnoticeable unless you hold her. It’s seemed to recede as the winds have died down around here and the days have gotten warmer. She eats just as much as everyone else, and gets normal lay mash (she’s laid some eggs!) as well as sunflower seeds, mealworms, and treats of fruit and plain cooked oatmeal. Acts perfectly normal, no head shaking or anything. Just a funny kooky personality I expect from chickens. The coop is somewhat far from the house so electricity for heating probably will be difficult to set up, but she snuggles with the others on their perch. I might start mixing apple cider vinegar with their water, but everyone has normal droppings so I don’t think there’s worms? No coughing or strange noises either.

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