a few questions


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 3, 2009
I probably could found answers to my questions but I didnt want to peruse the 358 pages of questions soooo.......
I am fairly new to the chicken raisning but I am loving it and I have done a bit of research.
However I have yet to find answers to what kind of breed I have and how the heck do I know if I have a rooster? I ordered a dozen chicks back in March and received the May 14th. We lost one girl (Rosie) and we now have eleven. We've got six black with whitish gray specks on them...they are beautiful. I dont know what breed they are though. I also have five Brown with some lighter shades mixed in. If I can I will post some pictures.
Now they are 7 weeks old and I do not know how to tell if I have got a rooster or more than one. When and how can I tell?
They appear to be a happy healthy flock. Just this morning though I noticed one limping around. I inspected her and her right foot is slightly bruised and swollen I believe she may have gotten her foot stuck in our sliding door that leads out to the run from their coop.
Is there anything I should / could do for her? Its not like I can ice it or get her to stay off of it,
Any advice on these subjects would be greatly appreciated.
BTW I am really loving my new interest in raising chickens its so rewarding!!!
here is to the 1st guestion u hold there feet together and tip them upside down like not mean or anything and if they fight to get up the are roosters and if they lie there they r hens
If you have pics of your birds, post in the What Breed or Gender is this. Should get lots of answers as to what breed and sex of chickens you have.
I will definitely post my photos as soon as I find my cable for my camera lol!!
Thanks for the tip on the roosters , I have to laugh because it sounds so funny but I cant wait to try it! But of course not with the injured girl!
As for the breed and gender question -- the *best* way to tell is to post pictures in the breed and gender section on this forum! You will get lots of helpful and knowledgeable advice from doing that alone. I have heard of holding them upside down but I believe it is an old wive's tale not really reliable -- but who knows? I think the fastest and easiest way to tell is by their comb and wattles (the things hanging down below their beak) -- Cockerels will get red color in their comb and wattles earlier than the pullets -- the combs and wattles may also be larger in size. Once the chickens are around 3-4 months you will start to see them getting feathers that can also distinguish cockerels from pullets -- this is a little more tricky. As for the injured girl -- are the others picking on her at all -- if not I would let her be for a couple days and see if it gets better -- if not there are directions online or on this forum (do a search) about making a splint for a chickens foot -- that may help. If the others are picking on her I would be sure to separate her until she has had time to heal.

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