A few too many roosters...what would you do?


16 Years
Feb 1, 2008
Ok, so this summer, our feed store had silkies, so we bought quite a few of them. In the end, we now have 4 roosters out of that, and 7 hens to go with them. I know this is where the chicken disease sets in and I could get more hens to match the roosters, and trust me, I've thought of that, but I'm trying to think of other ways to keep the roosters if possible, and still make everyone happy. I've thought of doing just a rooster pen and my husband has suggested trying to find someone to trade, but no one really wants roosters around here, even if they are silkies. So, I'm asking you guys....what would you do?? Oh, and please don't suggest that we eat them, kill them or anything like that. That's just not something we're able to do. I really appreciate any ideas to keep the flock happy.
Ok, so this summer, our feed store had silkies, so we bought quite a few of them. In the end, we now have 4 roosters out of that, and 7 hens to go with them. I know this is where the chicken disease sets in and I could get more hens to match the roosters, and trust me, I've thought of that, but I'm trying to think of other ways to keep the roosters if possible, and still make everyone happy. I've thought of doing just a rooster pen and my husband has suggested trying to find someone to trade, but no one really wants roosters around here, even if they are silkies. So, I'm asking you guys....what would you do?? Oh, and please don't suggest that we eat them, kill them or anything like that. That's just not something we're able to do. I really appreciate any ideas to keep the flock happy.

I would advertise them on Craigslist as either a sale or trade item. Since you would like to keep them, the only help for that is about 20 more hens. Sorry!
I know, right???!! Except if I did that I'd feel like I'd have to go to my pet chicken and get the sexed ones, or else I'm right back to square one again!!!
Why not make a rooster pen? Roosters usually do quite well in a bachelor pad. No girls to fight over, and I'd think they already have their status established, as it sounds like they were raised together. They might fuss some when you seperate them, but they're birds and just don't like change. They'll get over it. Then you can have two flocks, both will be happy. If you want to raise chicks in the spring, put a roo in with the hens for a few days and collect eggs. Just be aware you're going to get more roos if you hatch!!!

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