A Fun Read


Chicken Slave
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Brick, NJ
Hey all, I just finished reading a small book called "Hen and the Art of Chicken Maintenance" by Martin Gurdon. It was a real cute book on his experiences chickening. Thought you might want to check it out. Unless, of course, you all read it already!
That's a pretty funny title. Is "quality" discussed at all?
Hi SAZlife, Yes there is quality in it. It's got humor with his experiences and he had to learn stuff the hard way, the reader learns from HIS mistakes! I read it in an afternoon. (Long afternoon, Sunday was a Nor'easter for us here)
Cool LC. I've tried to finish Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maint for several years now. It seems like the meditations on quality...just...lead..me..off..into...circular.....reasoning........and........daydreams........
I also bought this book. It was fun and a quick read.

Actually... it was downright hilarious in parts!


P.S. This isn't a book about meditation at all! It's pretty much the story of a guy who decides (or has decided for him) to get some chickens.
Another "chicken" book is Still Life with Chickens by Catherine Goldhammer, a funny, poignant, and beautifully written memoir of a difficult time for the author and her daughter, and how 6 little chicks brightened their lives. It also mentions BackYardChickens!!! (which is how I discovered thisgreat website).

Francie in Western NY

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