A new addition to the family!


6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
So, for little over a couple months now, we've had our four darling chooks; Penny (Buff silkie), Mildred (Isa Brown), Girtrude (Isa Brown) and Henrietta (Silver laced speckled Wyandotte).

So we purchased a new large white coop a few days ago but the ramp was too steep so dad reconstructed it to curve around so that they could climb down. Our smaller one (as seen in the image above) is now being used to house our broody silkie and our new addition, a five week old white silkie called Lola (who's utterly adorable!).

Here is our new coop and Lola - there isn't any new pictures of Penny (the adult sikie) as she's been sitting firm on her box so pics are pretty hard, and we aren't too keen on disturbing her!

And we're also teaching our chooks to learn a treadle feeder, I 'think' their getting it...maybe. I think they prefer to eat bugs and scraps :/

Lola certainly is a cutie, she was a present for my dad who is having his birthday tomorrow. He said that everyone in the family had their own 'chook' and he wanted his own, so tada, here is Lola!

Recently our two Isa Browns seemed inclined to jump our back fence which, with a raised garden bed, was only about a metre and a half high for them. Thankfully our neighbours, whose yard they kept jumping into, are away for a few months. We've recently put up some different fencing, enclosed the area a bit more, and set up some trees along the back as well to deter them. With their wings clipped I've yet to find them over the fence...yet. We shall see if they stay!

what a beautiful place for chickens to live
The fence picture is only the back part but its a nice little side yard that is finally getting some amazing use! Here are some better pictures of the yard :) Forgive the clippings on the side, we'd removed a small tree for the white coop (we used some for the back fence to make it even harder for our girls to jump) and left some on the side to be cleared later. And the box was the white coops box and is going to be cleared soon.

Love your place! And your I see, your girls do too!
You mean a Silver Laced Wyandotte?
That is the long name we were given by the breeder. She was bred from show quality lines but didn't quite make the cut, a silver laced speckled wyandotte is the name. She emphasised speckled. Besides, I wasn't arguing with her. :p

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