A new member from Estonia


Oct 9, 2022
Hello to everyone!
My name is Harri (yes, with 'i', not with 'y' :D) and I am a gardener and science teacher from Estonia, living in the tiniest village in the central part of Estonia and teaching chemistry in the tiniest village school imaginable (53 students this year). I have had poultry in my childhood, around a half of a century ago - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas... :D Then nothing for decades - and only chickens about ten years ago again. For a few years - and then things changed so that I could not keep them any more. But 3 years ago, I bought a small piece on land (a bit less than a half of a hectare) and rented the same-sized area as well. After thinking and planning for a couple of years, I started with the poultry over again, bought an incubator and eggs - and here I am, with my first after a while chicks having started to lay already. But this year has been a strange one in a sense that 2/3 are roosters and only 1/3 are hens. It is interesting to notice that while incubating ducks eggs, I've got more ducks than drakes with all three breeds I have (Cayuga, Khaki Campbell, Saxony). For every 6...7 ducks, 4 drakes. Which I am happy with! :D So, I'll need to start slaughtering the roosters soon...
I am fond of dual purpose chickens - such as Wyandottes or Faverolles f.e. I also have Cochins. But as the spring and summer developed, I got addicted - and I also have several other breeds by now - Silkies, Ayam Cemanis, Brahmas, Marans, Araucanas... Two roosters of Barbeziex as well as a rooster and a hen of Opal Legbar, too. To my regret, I was given a dozen of eggs on Altai Bantams - and I could not to avoid myself to incubate these as well. :D But I will give the last breed of chicks away if I'll find someone interested in this breed.
I am thinking of two breeding projects to start the next year. At first, I LOVE Silkies - yet I hate them being so small. Thus, I would like to start 'making them bigger' - by crossing silkies with some other breed(s) to get their bodies bigger while keeping their main characteristics (skin and meat color, feathers, comb...). Any advice would be highly appreciated here - I have no experience at all in this field yet. What I have thought of is that maybe I'd start crossing Silkies with Ayam Cemani at first - and later, their progeny with, say, Brahmas maybe... I am afraid that the size difference between Silkies and Brahmas is too big to start directly with crossing them together. IDK actually, of course. Maybe Brahma hens with a Silkie rooster would be OK.
The other project which is taking a shape in my mind, is to develop a big dual purpose chicken - and I mean BIG! :D Crossing Brahma hens with Barbezieux roosters for example. I'd probably use Indio Gigante as one of the crossing parents - yet I have not found a source for them here yet. Again, any advice from more experienced people is highly appreciated! :D
Saved my Faverolle rooster from this guy. Good luck for the rooster and for me - yet not for the hawk... I took a call where needed - and the hawk was taken away. Unfortunately, it was very sick and died shortly after - even with being taken care and given medicines. R.I.P.
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Hello, welcome to BYC.
You have beautiful chickens! I hope the hawk didn't have anything contagious.
I'm a fan of big chickens also. I've been breeding easter eggers and naked necks to brahmas for a while. I love the mixes.
Thanks! Chicks are beautiful indeed, no matter, mines or not! :D No, the hawk just had damaged it's mouth and the wound had gone bad - to the point that it was physically not able to eat. The only reason I could catch it probably was that it was weak and crazy from pain and hunger... It just sat on top of that frightened rooster and looked at me with it's big eyes, not making any attempt to fly away.
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