A (not so serious) question about garlic and chickens


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 20, 2007
If you feed garlic to chickens it makes the eggs taste bad. If you tape garlic cloves to your feet at night your breath smells like garlic in the morning. So if you tape garlic cloves to a chickens legs at night does it end up with bad tasting eggs or garlic breath?
Well the link covers if you feed garlic to your hens. But what if I just TAPE it to the hens legs? This assumes that the hen doesn't eat the garlic. Wonder if the taste would change depending on the tape also...
You're just bored aren't you?
go clean the coop or clean the chicken poop off some shoes or sumthin!
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Until I get the coop built this will have to do. Yes. I'm probably a bit bored and my mind has decided to entertain chickens with garlic breath.

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