Aug 8, 2018
Help! I have a chicken who was acting strange last night. She hasn’t started laying and is 6/7 months old. Around 5PM I noticed she was more on edge than usual, she was darting everywhere and her feathers seemed a little wet on her breast and under her chin and she just looked almost bewildered. She spit up a little after she had water while she was looking for stuff to eat in the grass.
We took her from a situation that was stressful, over stimulating when we brought her and her sister home and they had not had much human interaction. So I decided to not fuss with her because this usually is stressful for her even though she’s recently started warming up to us.

I went to check on her after dark and close them in for the night. She wouldn’t get on her roosting bars. And I didn’t want her in the litter. Because of bacteria etc. So I put her up top with the others and came back and hour later and she was down again. Everyone was breathing heavy, we had a hot and humid day and it was only about 9PM and still over 90. But she appreared more labored than the others. I grabbed a bowl of water and everyone had a few drinks, including the chicken I’m worried about. But when everyone hopped back on the bars to rest she did not. She settled and other wise did not seem distressed. She is not a very social chicken and is pretty attached and bonded to her birth sister so I decided not to isolate her, they are so bonded that I truly worry separating them would be traumatic. They’ve been together since they hatched 7 months ago.

She seems a little more docile today than normal and inclined to be close to me today, but she’s also just recently in the past few days started hunching when she’s approached, like she may start laying.

This morning I let everyone out (we free range during the day) and she seemed off balance. When she would run she would stumble. And seeing her do this our bossy hen started bullying her. She took a few drinks and went to lie down in our tree line, which is kind of their private spot during the day. I had to go to work. I just got home at 11am to check on her and I got her running with everyone. And they seem okay. Her comb is pale, I feel like a little more pale than the others but everyone’s looks a little pale today. But they have been bright red partially due to it being so hot lately I think??? It’s much cooler today, it’s breezy and mild, we’re expecting several days of rain. They are all relaxed together and dust bathing. She’s moving normal, just still less than everyone else. She seems to be trying to nest and burrow in the dusting area though??? I’ve noticed her droppings are a dark green brown and watery half the time for the past couple of days too. Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance
Update: I have a security camera inside the coop and caught her in the nesting box this afternoon while I was at the office. Came home and there was a blue egg. I believe this to be hers and I hope our troubles are over. She seems about the same as far as energy goes but hopefully she’s just exhausted. This is her first egg. It was bloody and had some other kind of discharge on it but the egg is intact.


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My little BO did the same thing a few weeks ago. She actually laid her first egg next to my hand! She’d been acting odd, so I lightly massaged her wings for a few minutes (she loves it) and out popped an egg. She was instantly cured!
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