A Tail of Two Roosters!


Sep 23, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Island, MA
I've posted and whinned about my two roosters and I've been quiet with them since I split my coop and slowly added hens to the "left side" Thats where" Bagle" the white crested White Poli Roo is King.. and the "right side" is the realm of the white crested Black Poli roo "Napoleon" as King "Actually he's the Emperor.. and a sweet intelligent hard working Roo... who earns his perch every day. Ok.. so all is going well.. the both sides have automatic doors and separate runs.. the small flock of 4 ( left side White king) gets to free range from 8 - 2 and the other side which totals 11 birds gets 2- 7 to free range separately.

Now out of nowhere.. I notice that there have been a lot of feathers in the coop which has deer wire as the ""great wall of Roosters.. they seem amiable to each other and crow back and forth, except for the day I forgot both run doors open in the morning instead of just one group free ranging they were all out.. I heard a lot of crowing and discovered my error and my white roo had been bullied and driven out of town it seems.. Ok.. that was a while back. Now there has been zero physical contact between them and I notice all these feathers on both sides.. and now BOTH roosters have virtually NO tail feathers left.. The white one has like none and the Black on has mimimal feathers left, certainly not any big feathers...and I"m so confused... who is pulling out their tails..? They can't be dong this to each other.. I thought I have to go to BYC and get schooled... I just keep learning and learning... so what's going on? I'm ready to learn... :) Thanks in advance... I have to tell you I didn't think I was capable of being so very ignorant of so much..Tending Chickens is Humbling :) .
If they are around 18 months old, they are molting.
I suspected this but I'm still learning... the feathers seemed to increase each day and I began to notice everyone had bare spots... I'm going to save the feathers and do something creative.. Thanks for your reply.. sometime my chickens make me experience great extremes... Like I"m the luckiest woman alive to experience them ... or I'm totally loosing it and crazy :)

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