A Wisp of Sand chat thread.

hey! just wanted you to know I'm not dead! just a bit busy, ill be on to rp tonight and tomorrow hopefully! also, ouch! im drawing a picture right now, I shall post it on here in honor of your rp.
I'm one of those boring people, so i don't have any injury stories.. lets me see..uh, I rescued a flock of baby starlings a few years back, raised them till they could fly, and my neighbors on the other side of the treeline said they saw one a while ago. they would dive bomb them when they would come outside their house, and stare into your eyes as they would fly by.
now whenever I see a group of starlings I start yelling "Hey!" at them like a crazy person lol. btw, what are your plans for the thunderers? how will they tie into the story?
Thunderers are just the life of the Tribe. They lead them. Someday I will know why, but when I write a story, I don't outline it. I read it as much as I write it, and it surprises me on every page.
:thumbsup gotcha! Mongoose and Dart will be close behind the tribe, so you'll be seeing them soon hopefully. also, in the future, Mongoose's rouge clan is still out there, so if you want to use that feel free. (no pressure of course, we'll just see where the story goes.)
also, I'm thinking dart will be helpful for night hunting in the desert, seeing as the temperatures drop, and his coat is thick. he used to hunt rats in the grain stores in the city, so his night vision is pretty keen.

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