
Carrie, we should start to cool down in October! Isn't it lovely that our summers here last 8 months!!!! Usually they are only 6 months, but this year we warmed up quickly in Spring. By about Mid April we were consistantly in the high 90s. As far as winter goes, it is great. We usually stay at a consistant 75 or so with little to no rain. It makes for great horse back riding weather! And make us able to tolerate the hot summers.

Lacy, no, we haven't had a thunder storm in our area for about a week now. Which is why our sweltering weather has come back full force. If we get rain it will usually keep us in the high 90s. I've been doing my "rain dance" but I think I'm just scaring the neighbors instead of bringing rain! HeHe...
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Well, I was happy to wake up and find my 5 chickens are still alive. After what happened the other day, I was very worried that I would find more dead. I just wanted to give you all an update!
My "rain dance" finally paid off. We had a huge storm come through at about 9pm last night and dumped a ton of rain! Yay!!!! It always makes for a good day when it rains in the desert!
the day you posted this thread there was a terrible thunderstorm in yuma. all you can see is light flashing every were. but I doubt it was thunder that killed them
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