? about Southern Food?


All things share the same breath- Chief Seattle
11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
The Emerald City
My Coop
My Coop
OK, I'm not sure it's southern, but I suspect it is.

A couple days ago I was in the local grocery store. Found a new line of seasoned beans. One of the varieties was beans with snaps.

What are snaps?

The picture on the can looked liked diced green beans. I've heard of snapping green beans. I also know snap peas, Is this one of these or something completely different. I looked at the label and it is not stated, or even in the list of ingredients???

As everyone knows (or should know
) Green beans are fatal to imps. So should I try them or one by one take the cans to the restroom and flush them, thusly saving imps wordwide.

Snaps are green string beans. Just the Southerners' way of sayin' it.

Since they are fatal to imps, I'd flush 'em. Because one of these days I'm gonna need you, as an Imp (or THE Imp) to send me some broody vibes.
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When shelling cow peas you will sometimes get some that are not mature enough to shell out the pea. Those you snap like green beans and put in with the shelled ones.
If you'd like to donate go to www.greenbeanskill.com

or just mail me cash.

I've disliked green beans my entire life. My mom said when I was a baby she tried green beans once and I refused to eat for 3 days.

BTW- that's not a real website.
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Go ahead and flush away. Once you do I'm going to start mailing you some, one bean at a time. Sooner or later you'll slip up and try one. The extra fluffy package you get will still have only one snap bean.....

and Bug.

And anyhow how can you say you definitely don't like green beans when you haven't tried them fried???


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