Accidentally killed my own chicken! :(

The hen that is still alive seems to be feeling much better though. I am glad I could at least help her. She is not alone she still has wally of similar age, and the young chickens
I used to rescue abandoned newborn kittens. Years and years of hand-raising them, bottle feeding them, cleaning their little bottoms, weaning them, etc. Sometimes one little wriggler would get "inhalation pneumonia" from sucking formula into its lungs. If it got worse, I'd take it to the vet who - over the years - gave me samples and often treated the babies for free (possibly because I was someone he called when there was need for a kitten nanny).

He got a new partner and was, unfortunately, out of town when I had to take a 10 day old kitten in for a shot of penicillin for inhalation pneumonia. The new partner didn't know me, didn't trust my diagnosis, didn't believe it was inhalation pneumonia and had to take all sorts of blood samples and sputum samples and whatnot. Of course, charging me for it all. Come back in two days when we have the results.

Frosted, I did. On the second visit, the new partner vet got out this HUGE freakin' needle and administered a shot of penicillin into the kitten's neck. In five minutes, she had died of anaphylactic shock. This was NOT the vet's fault, but because of the earlier visit and the way she discounted my knowledge, PLUS the method with which she administered the shot, I blamed her. The regular vet never used a huge needle like that.....

Anyway, just wanted to say that when my regular vet talked to me again - he called me when he got back from vacation - he reassured me the allergic reaction to penicillin was no less serious than that of a human being, but not something usually expected. And the dosage was probably not too much, even in a small kitten that size.

So... I'm thinkin' it was an allergic reaction and not anything YOU did wrong when you treated your chicken.
I agree it wasn't your fault. It just happens. My story comes from my childhood. I was throwing rocks at one hit him or her on the head (can't remember which today) and killed it instantly... My dad was NOT a happy man. Showed me just how vulnerable these birds are.

This just happened to me tonight. I gave a sick hen a shot of penicillin and she started opening her mouth really wide, her neck twisted back and she started flailing then died. I gave her a shot last night and she was fine. I mean still sick. But tonight I forgot to pull back to look for blood like I did last night. I feel horrible.
This just happened to me tonight. I gave a sick hen a shot of penicillin and she started opening her mouth really wide, her neck twisted back and she started flailing then died. I gave her a shot last night and she was fine. I mean still sick. But tonight I forgot to pull back to look for blood like I did last night. I feel horrible.
Sorry for your loss, :hugs. I very much doubt that the injection killed her. Sometimes just handling them is enough to send them over the edge, and when they are so sick that handling can kill them, you just have to hope that they can hang on long enough for treatment to start to wrk.
The hen that is still alive seems to be feeling much better though. I am glad I could at least help her. She is not alone she still has wally of similar age, and the young chickens

Please take my condolences also it is not your fault even vet's can make errors we are all human I am so sorry for your loss there

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