ACK!!! Love those surprises.


Flock Mistress
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Sep 6, 2007
Corydon, Indiana
Don't know where to post this. Romeo. my Silkie Roo lost his mate last year. A really nice lady in Kentuckiana gave me a Silkie hen for him. Boy did she turn out to be a fiesty, friendly, get to business, squawk about a treat!!! I have never had a Silkie hen like this! Well today I open up the coop and she's pecking at something. A vermin thing. I shooshed her away and she came back determined. I finally got the baby Squirrel out of there outside her fence. She was still trying to get him. Really funny. She's just so lively beyond Silkie Hen. I think if that lady is breeding more like her, I want some more. She's such a joy and very talkative too!

Anyone else have a chicken that suprised you with lots of personality? Especially a Silkie or any dear chicken.
Maybe your Silkie is a cross with one of these?? :old :idunno

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