Acting normal but duck not interested in food???

Update waffles is doing great. She ate a bit more but I took her in to get her big amount of food through the tube just in case. He put her meds in there she is on two the newer one clindamycin 300mg twice a day is really giving her much improvement. Doc says it’s the food too. I am just happy my baby girl is doing so good.
Yes I am. Today I let her out to do her thing with our make Pekín wiggles and it was raining she was acting normal eating from the ground ate spinach romaine and worms but I did not see her eat grains. We have them all on flock raiser as her vet had recommended. And they get fresh fruits and veggies. I let her play and swim but I brought them in for a warm bath and then she was off to her vet for feedings. He said he saw her stronger and much better. I can tell as she quacks loud and pecks. Good sign she is back on track. God willing soon she can eat her grains soon. 🙏
Today was her last feeding at vet and she threw it up on the way home. She was not happy in the car ride back thank God it was 15 mins away. Now she is not doing much drank water got in her pool but did not see her eat. I think it best to let her rest she had a lot in these past days.
Update. Just now I have them in my kitchen I bent down and in a soft voice I said “ you are a good girl. Yes right you are “. Lord and behold she ate her entire bowl of mealworms. I cried. So happy. So I got a stool sample put it wrapped in the fridge my son is taking it to her doctor just si they can test her poop. I am going to continue to feed her this way softly speaking to her while holding her bowl and so no more tube Feeding for now. She has a full crop. I feel it. I gave her her antibiotic. She is resting so mom will rest too. Thank you for being there. God bless you and happy new year to you and family.

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