Add your vote! BackYard Chickens in Cedar Rapids, IA

ChickBond 007

Licensed to Cull
11 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Madison County, Iowa
The city council will take this up tonight.
The local news has posted a survey asking if you think have poultry in urban settings is a good idea.
The chicken supporters are behind.

Hoping YOU can help by changing that vote to supporting the idea:
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Bondy, I just voted - I hope everybody else on BYC does too. It's easy, just click on the link and look for the voting box to the right of the article.
I voted in favor. I also read the comments that people are leaving.
Some people are clueless. Then there are people who ruin it for the rest of us with poor animal husbandry. I think it should be legal to have chickens in town as long as they are kept to a small number, kept clean and well cared for. I love to hear roosters I on the fence about allowing them in town. I can't imagine having a rooster in every yard in a neighbor hood. Too much of a good thing and all that
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I would be quite offended and angry if people from outside my community were able to determine the laws and ordinances for my community. It is one thing to provide information and moral support to someone who is local and wants to change the laws. It is something else to tell people who live somewhere else how they ought to live.
Keeping them is a little ahead now in the poll. I support folks wanting to keep chickens everywhere! It's a basic right to be able to grow your own food and cities should have the right to limit things somewhat but to outlaw a few chickens entirely? Not right! I voted yes, it's a good idea!

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