Adding a lone duckling with a mother duck

Farm life101

Jan 9, 2018
Hello fellow duck lovers!
I got a rescued wild Muscovy duckling the 14th (it was I believe a day or two old then) and it’s been alone ever since as we have 6 eggs that should all hatch (as of right now) on the 5th. They are under a Muscovy hen but they are eggs from online as I don’t have a drake but wanted to hatch some ducklings. So I couldn’t get another for the little Muscovy rescue to have a friend because we are at our max with 9 ducks since they can’t free range like our chickens and I want to make sure they have plenty of room. Anyways I’m wondering if it would even be possible for this duckling to get along with the mama and other ducklings or is it probably already to attached to us? I haven’t been taking it out to see the other ducks either as I don’t want the mama to come off her eggs in search for the baby. If it’s not even a possibility will I still be able to introduce the duck to them once it’s bigger? Or would it have to be kept separate from the ducklings and mama? (They are only two Muscovy females now)
When I rescued a little muscovy duckling a few weeks ago I introduced him to my girls while they were in the coop and they just kind of seemed confused, but the duckling wanted to go lay under them. I have heard if the duck is currently broody its a possibility to put the duckling in her nest and have her raise it, or maybe if she's just very broody in general. I think if you did raise the duckling inside it shouldn't have problems being introduced to the girls, if it ends up being a drake you might want to get another girl if he over mates them. I would personally probably just try and let the little one hang out with them once or twice every day but mostly raise him inside. My girls never tried to hurt him or peck him or anything, just keep it closely supervised and see what happens. I'm not sure how much the concern of disease transfer from a rescued duckling to your flock is, but maybe someone else can comment on that.
When I rescued a little muscovy duckling a few weeks ago I introduced him to my girls while they were in the coop and they just kind of seemed confused, but the duckling wanted to go lay under them. I have heard if the duck is currently broody its a possibility to put the duckling in her nest and have her raise it, or maybe if she's just very broody in general. I think if you did raise the duckling inside it shouldn't have problems being introduced to the girls, if it ends up being a drake you might want to get another girl if he over mates them. I would personally probably just try and let the little one hang out with them once or twice every day but mostly raise him inside. My girls never tried to hurt him or peck him or anything, just keep it closely supervised and see what happens. I'm not sure how much the concern of disease transfer from a rescued duckling to your flock is, but maybe someone else can comment on that.
Okay thank you! So far I think it’s a girl by it’s physical appearance but I’m not quite sure but I will definitely get more girls if we don’t hatch any and there is a drake :) I can start introducing him to the other duck who isn’t broody that way the broody one isn’t disturbed on her eggs and he will at least have some interaction with another duck

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