Adding eggs with chicks


Jul 11, 2015
I'm a little torn! My hen is a great sitting hen and she hatched a chick 3 weeks ago. She is a great momma and I recently hatched chicks in the bator. I had 2 eggs that are still needing more time and I'm wondering if any has had a hen that took on sitting on eggs with a 3 week old chick? I would hate to loose them, but if she'll do would be great so I can clean and put away the incubator.
A mother hen with a 3 week old chick will not sit in the same nest for long enough to hatch those eggs.

How come you can't keep them in the bator for just one more day? Eggs tend to hatch all within 1-2 days. If they don't hatch then they may be dead, didn't develop properly or are even infertile in the first place.
A mother hen with a 3 week old chick will not sit in the same nest for long enough to hatch those eggs.

How come you can't keep them in the bator for just one more day? Eggs tend to hatch all within 1-2 days. If they don't hatch then they may be dead, didn't develop properly or are even infertile in the first place.

I agree. I would imagine, because of the age difference of the chicks, she may not accept the new ones, even if you hatch them in the incubator and present them to her. A negative response would likely be fatal for the younger ones.

Ok thanks. I left them in the incubator and didn't take my chances. I have a brooder ready for the littles
I was just wondering if anyone had ever heard of a hen doing it.
You are welcome. You did the right thing by asking - if you dont ask, you'll never know - particularly when it comes to keeping chickens as we all have differing experiences and opinions.


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