Administering Corid a second time - how soon?


In the Brooder
Feb 26, 2024
A couple cornish cross were showing some mild signs of cocci so I went with the moderate dose (3/4 tsp) of Corid for 5 days followed by 1/3 tsp for 7 days. They have been back to regular water for 2 days now and I am seeing one display cocci symptoms yet again. I'm thinking I want to re-treat them with the higher dosage of 1.5 tsp/gallon but wasn't sure if I could start that right away of if I had to wait a week. Obviously if it is cocci I could lose a lot of chickens in a week. Thanks for any insight!!
Thanks for getting clarification. I did 3/4 tsp of powder corid in one gallon of water followed by 1/3 tsp/gallon. This was said to be the "moderate" outbreak dosage.

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