Adoptive mama pecking new chick


Apr 26, 2017
The eggs under my broody hen are staggered with all different hatch times. The oldest hatched over a week ago with two more to follow, so mama hen thought her clutch was done and got up and left her nest. So I intervened and put the other 8 eggs in an incubator. One hatched yesterday and is about 5 days younger than the youngest broody chick hatched.

So we put her under mama very late last night. Now this morning the new baby is having a hard time keeping up with the others (still getting her footing) and mama is pecking at her really hard. She pecked her 4 times during the 10 minutes I was watching. When I went back mama was resting and all the babies were under her. As long as new baby stays under her she is fine but is pecked if she comes out. Is this okay? Is she telling her to get under her or something or is she rejecting her? I’m trying to give them space and time to adjust but also want to help if baby will be killed.
Agree with above. Especially about giving her a friend. My broody has a three day window between the first hatching and abandoning any unhatched eggs. It's biological.
Agree with above. Especially about giving her a friend. My broody has a three day window between the first hatching and abandoning any unhatched eggs. It's biological.

She’s stopped pecking the chick. I’ve observed more and the chick is keeping up with the others. I’ll keep watching. I really don’t want to move her in because I know how much happier she will be with the others

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