Adult pet quail sudden clenched foot


7 Years
Apr 22, 2016
About a year and a half ago ill incubated quail. I ended up keeping one in my house moreless as a pet bc when we released them she was injured. Her leg was bothering her. She healed, but by that time she was the last one and I didn’t want to release her by herself so I kept her. I keep her in a big bird cage and let her out into the grass to roam during day. Everything has been okay. Up until two days ago. Morning comes I uncover her cage and notice she hadn’t ate or drank. She usually backs her rear up to a particular corner and poops there. She’s quite clean in her cage. However she hadn’t moved alll night. Poop was all around her and little stuck to her bottom. I knew then something was wrong. One of her feet are clenched up. Other leg fine other foot fine. I’ve been setting her food and water around her and moving her around her cage and cleaning the poop up around her throughout the day. I’m positive that she didn’t hurt her foot outside anywhere because we hadn’t been outside for 3 maybe 4 days because we had bad rainstorms. This was all of a sudden. She’s not around other birds. It’s just my family in the house and our dogs which don’t come in contact with her. I have chickens. So I recognize this foot clench. Now usually with chickens when this happens, it never goes back to the same. We have
Toted chickens in and out with these kind or leg or feet ordeals for years because they weren’t suffering and we just didn’t feel right killing them. She’s not suffering. Or doesn’t seem to be in pain. However I read that this may only last a few days. I also read maybe some antibiotics. I couldn’t see her being sick because she’s not around any other animals and that would make sense to me but I guess it’s possible. I also read that I could do therapy and open her foot close it that kind of thing which she will let me open it and shut it.

I guess I’m just open for any kind of information on this and any suggestions on what to do.

A bird in my house was the last thing I ever wanted. But when it comes to all critters and animals, I have a huge heart for them. I fell in love with his bird as did my kids and my husband and even my dogs protect her when she’s outside she’s part of the family And I just want her to be happy and healthy and if I can fix this then of course I would want to do that. Here’s some pics


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That foot doesn't look good. I'm not a vet, however. You seem to be doing the right things, keeping her quiet, warm, and with food and drink nearby. @007Sean may have some more insight.

A year and a half is getting old, but not old enough to expect her to be having age related issues.

If I understand your post, you released coturnix quail into the wild? If you are in the US, that is illegal. Coturnix quail are not native to the area and have been domesticated for long enough that they don't have a lot of survival instincts. Since everything likes to eat quail, their life expectancy out in the wild is measured in hours to days.

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