Adult RIR bottom of pecking order getting trounced by EVERYBODY - Help


17 Years
Jan 15, 2007
Kissee Mills, MO
I can't explain it, only started a few weeks ago. All of a sudden one of my 10 hens is now at the bottom of the pecking order and she can't even be around any of the other girls. They seek her out and ALL of the gang up on her jumping on her all at once and pulling out her feathers. I can't find the perpetrator because they all do it. When I let them out in the evening to free range before dark, she runs past everybody and heads for the bushes to hide. If one of the other hens see her from across the yard of 50' away, they make a bee-line straight for her so they can beat the snot out of her. I've had to break up so many gang fights I hate to count them.....and that's only when I'm around to see it happen. I feel bad for her and don't know what to do. She is otherwise healthy and laying.

I do notice that sometimes when another hen starts to come around her, she fluffs up big like a mama hen and starts clucking really loud. She is, however, NOT broody and has never sat.

Any ideas?

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