Advice Needed: I dont think it's an emergency, but...


Will Work For Chickens
Premium Feather Member
Jul 29, 2022
SE Michigan
I have 8 pullets that will be a year old on Sept 14th. At the moment they all have dry-ish looking skin on their faces. It's something I haven't seen before. They free range all day, but also have free choice access to Nutrena 18% Feather Fixer Feed in their run, oyster shell, grit, clean water, very few treats (only a couple of times a month do we give them anything other than their feed), and they dust bathe regularly. I check them often for lice/mites. They are acting normal and laying well. Is this an early sign of preparing for their first moult? Or should I be concerned it might be something else? Is there any thing I should apply to the dry areas? I appreciate any insight!


They maybe getting ready to molt and the white on there face is skin exfoliation.
I wondered about that. I thought maybe they wouldn't molt this year since they hatched last fall, and I read that the first molt is typically around 18 mos of age. 🤔

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