Advice on converting a step 2 plastic jungle gym into a coop for 5 hens(pics included)


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2015
I have decided to start a backyard flock, we have 5 two week old pullets( 2 RIR, 2 Barred Rocks and 1 Araucauna). My husband and I are not terribly handy, and we had originally planned on purchasing a pre-fab coop. However, with all the terrible reviews on the ones I've researched, I'd much rather have something hand built that wouldn't cost us a fortune and a ton of skill to build. We have a step 2 kids plastic jungle gym just hanging out in the backyard and thought that maybe this could be up cycled into a cool coop. The measurements are 4'x4'x4'h, it's a big cube. Id of course have a run attached, so the girls have plenty of room to run. Any ideas on how to make this work? Will it even be big enough to use? Thanks in advance


Looks to be a bit on the small side. In their sheltered coop you'll need their food, water, roost, and some laying boxes. I don't think you can achieve all that with comfortable living space for them with this. You'll need a vented and dry area for them to roost at night and be out of the weather as well. (not to mention prey)
We live in Maryland, so we definitely have all 4 seasons when it comes to weather. After looking online at a lot of different coops, my thoughts were to use this structure as a base, raise it off the ground, and enclose it. On the orange side, build a nesting box where they would enter through the arch way, with a hinged top that we could access from the outside. But, I don't know if this would be feasible, or worth all the effort. I just thought, why not use it, since it's just sitting in our backyard.

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