Advise to mend a wattle

Get the bleeding can use cornstarch or flour....keep him separated until you can assess the injury.
Posting pics of it here would help folks give better advise.

They heal up pretty quick.
How did it happen?
Get the bleeding can use cornstarch or flour....keep him separated until you can assess the injury.
Posting pics of it here would help folks give better advise.

They heal up pretty quick.
How did it happen?
No need to bandage, would be near impossible anyway.
Maybe put a little triple antibiotic ointment without any pain relief ingredient ( -caines are toxic to birds).

Unless it's a huge tear with skin hanging, she'll probably be fine without anything done at all.
Well cleaned it and it's not bleeding any more on closer inspection it is a torn wattle cut near her throat.... She is eating and drinking and playing so I'm gonna let her be and just watch the flock today....
Yeah, looks scary with all the blood ...especially on a white chicken, but it usually nothing to be of concern.

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