After nearly three years I find out my rooster is a hen! (Questions and concerns!)


Dec 10, 2022
Hi everyone,

I recently have my chicken inside my home, because of a recent bumblefoot scab removal

Original thread here:

Well he’s been inside sense 12/02 per vet request, things have been going great, bumblefoot healing nicely.
Until today I noticed he was acting odd, wouldn’t stop moving around, kept trying to find a new place to get comfortable etc.

Well he finally got comfortable, he sat down after making a mess of his bedding, after about an hour, he got up and went right back to normal.

It was the oddest thing to me, I’ve never seen him act like that..we’ll I go clean up the messy bedding, and to my shock, I see the round white shiny sphere that was an egg, his egg….HER egg


I’m just in shock, i always thought I had two hens and a rooster, turns out i had three hens! Explains why I never got chicks, why she never breed the other two hens, and why I had extra eggs some days….

Now that I realized he is a she, I have some questions?

Should I be worried that she didn’t have calcium this whole time??

It’s been over a week, and the only calcium she got was when I was grabbing her grit, and accidentally put some oyster shells in with it (I’m guessing that’s the only reason she even laid the one egg this whole week she’s been inside)

Should I be worried, shes only laid the one egg in over a week?
( she was going through a molt these past weeks, so that could also explain why only one egg)
Also the egg that was laid looks and feels perfect, no soft shell, no discoloration, no weird shape.

Now that I know for sure I have three hens, and no roosters. Should I stop using flock raiser, and oyster shells, and switch to a layered feed instead?

Also she’s been on amoxicillin for her bumblefoot, is it still okay to eat her eggs?

I know I’m worried for nothing, considering she’s been eating, drinking, and pooping like normal, and acting normal, still some reassurance would be much appreciated!
Yes, oyster shell on the side, main feed flock raider
Then she has been getting any calcium from the oyster shells. Lots of us feed all flock and provide shells on the side, including me with an all hen flock. I don't know about any withdrawal period for the meds she is on, I'll let someone smarter take that
Then she has been getting any calcium from the oyster shells. Lots of us feed all flock and provide shells on the side, including me with an all hen flock. I don't know about any withdrawal period for the meds she is on, I'll let someone smarter take that
I know at least outside she has been getting oyster shell, but she’s been inside with me for the last week recovering from the bumblefoot.
I was more worried about the entire week she hadn’t gotten any oyster shell, she has it now that I realized. But I hope I didn’t cause her any egg problems down the line, from not giving her any shells for over a week.

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