After Wry Neck…

What age chick?
7wk old chick currently
Was around 4-5wks upon Wry neck signs & symptoms— Treated for 2wks with Selenium/Vit.E (added some B1 as well)
Neck was quite twisted, has now relaxed; chick seems happy, running with others, eating and drinking on its own, but will have occasional fits of Head-Wobbling….
Was thinking it could be happing during times of stress? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Any thoughts ?
7wk old chick currently
Was around 4-5wks upon Wry neck signs & symptoms— Treated for 2wks with Selenium/Vit.E (added some B1 as well)
Neck was quite twisted, has now relaxed; chick seems happy, running with others, eating and drinking on its own, but will have occasional fits of Head-Wobbling….
Was thinking it could be happing during times of stress? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Any thoughts ?
They should completely recover. What are the doses you're giving? Try more b complex.
They should completely recover. What are the doses you're giving? Try more b complex.
Okay, I will
I stopped all vitamins after 2wks because I thought the dangers of overdose was possible, at least with fat soluble E vitamin & selenium. But I could definitely start up some B complex

I’m beginning to wonder if this chick got a bad peck on the head at some point early in life as it was hen raised. It’s also a naked neck/showgirl, they always seem more exposed to me… just a personal thought
Keep giving the vitamins at least 2 weeks after symptoms show improvement. I have used individual doses (from human pills) during the crisis, then use Poultry Cell during recovery.
For clarification, its 2wks following significant improvement — not a 2wk long protocol/schedule of vitamin therapy?
For example, it could be a month per se, if the chick takes 2wks to improve…

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