Aggressive rooster at 2 months old?


Mar 24, 2023
How do I correct an aggressive rooster at just 2 months old? He’s a lot bigger now than this picture but this is him. He woke up this morning and chose violence. I don’t want to get rid of him.


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What exactly happened? Please, try to describe as detailed as possible.

How many chicks?

Where do you keep them?

Who is handling them, how often and why?
Pick him up! I grab mine and gently hang on until they converse with me. I don’t let them down until they cease squawking, fighting and stop trying to peck, bite, or kick. Eventually they will start murmuring. Then I kindly explain I don’t like eating my pets and it is rude to bite the hand that feeds. I realize they may not understand what I am saying, but they seem to get the message. I so far have not been attacked a second time and have had to do this with 10 different floggers 😜
Our boy is in the run and coop with 8 girls and I raised them from when they were a day old. He's been aggressive lately. A guy, who everybody calls "The Chicken Guy" at our local feed store, said to grab him and pluck a couple of his neck feathers and put him down. So, I tried that, and it lasted about 2 days. So, then he came at my husband and he handled him the same way. Again, back to his rude self a couple of days later. Usually I can get in and out without incident, but this morning, he came at me and pecked me. So I grabbed him, and he kind of got loose, but not before I just grabbed a leg and hung on. So, while he was hanging upside down in front of all his girls, I think he rethought his position. I put him down gently (never hurt him...just his pride) and he didn't do it again.

I know he's just doing his job by protecting his flock, but seriously, if he really hurts me or my husband, he's going in the pot. I don't want that, but if he draws blood, it's most likely over.

Also, we will be watching his spurs and cutting or filing them down.
The #1 rule is teaching your young roosters is to respect boundaries and keep his distance.They will usually plan a sneak attack to see how you react.
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No, attacking the caregivers he should know by now is not protecting his flock.

At only 8 weeks of age this is an unusually early aggressiveness.

What breed is he?
My kids are over 5 months old now. He and two girls are RIRs and all the others are BRs. The RIR girls have become way more affectionate in the last month or so and he doesn't even try to get between them and me when they come up. It's usually when I go in to dump and clean their pool or check food and water. He gets all uppity with my husband when he goes in for eggs.

I wanted a rooster so that we could have more chicks in the future, but now, I don't know if he'll be around that long.
Cockerels will change the dynamics of any flock and if you've never had roosters before you might want to watch a few videos on rooster behaviors to better understand what makes them tick. @Shadrach can be of great help in this matter!
Thanks guys. I guess some confusion was created because I was just adding to another person's thread about my aggressive brat. Lol. The original post by @JulietsMomma was about her 2 month old.

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