Air cell on the wrong side of the egg

Dr Evy

Bird Nerd
Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi fellow chicken nerds,

I seem to have run into an issue while incubating that I’m not familiar with. I was candling my goose eggs tonight, I think they’re on day 8 of incubation (I lost track but it’s written down somewhere lol) and I discovered that one of the air cells is quite literally on the pointy side of the egg. (Yes I’m very sure!) I saw a thread from 2008 about this, but never saw any answers. Yes it is possible that the air cell detached and reattached in the wrong place. These are shipped eggs from my aunt, but I did let them rest after shipping. I guess my questions are, has anyone else had this happen before? What was the outcome? And is it possible that this gosling will still hatch? I have had chicks pip on the pointy side of the egg and hatch before, but since this air cell is misplaced I’m worried that the chick won’t know to pip on that side. Any and all thoughts/suggestions are welcome!

Pictures for y’all!
I’m thinking about maybe putting it in my other incubator and giving it way lower humidity. What do you think about that idea?
I had a chicken egg with the air sac in the middle like this last year. I didn't have much hope for it, but I kept incubating it like normal. It ended up hatching fine on its own with no assistance.

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