Akitas ?

Give me a real gun for any dog, cat,or any other animal that isn't gov.protected going after any of my animals on my property. If that animal isn't constrained properly by it's owner I say "yours go after whats mine and I'll go after whats yours". Whats fair is fair in my book!
Thanks for all the info, you all confirmed my fears that they are very very aggressive dogs. We have a German Shepherd that was my DH's before we got married, DH took great pains to socialize that dog so he wouldn't be vicious. He (the dog) came down to the barn one time and saw my chickens and was in awe of them, didn't want to hurt them at all. (Though he is not allowed unsupervised chicken time ever.) And when our cats were kittens, they'd claw him, and climb up his head and he'd just let them. Of course all that being said the dog does act like he's going to eat the post man, etc so I keep him locked up when no one is here.

I am 99% sure we have a leash law, problem being my immediate next door neighbor lets his dogs (2 goldens and 2 pekinese) run wild, those darn dogs are the reason we put the *first* strand of electric up, because the male golden snuck up behind me in my own driveway and bit me. We're trying to keep the peace, because we share a drive with these folks, and everyone says 'this is the country, dogs run free' but it is bothersome. As a dog lover, I just can't imagine letting ours (DH's german shep and my 2 pound mutts) run loose. We have an invisible fence for use when we are home, if we are not home, the dogs are in the garage. That is for their own protection and anyone who might show up when we're gone.

Anyway, I'm rambling on here, I'm glad its going to be nice this weekend, guess we'll be adding reinforcement to the fence.
Akitas not only have a huge prey drive, they can be very aggressive with people. Knowing that you have irresponsible dog owners nearby I'd follow your plan of reinforcing your fence. I 'd also give animal control a heads up on these dogs. At the vet clinic I worked in ages ago, the only two breeds of dogs that were always muzzled, no matter what the owner said, were akitas and cocker spanials. Some serious bad mojo with bad breeding and bad training.
and everyone says 'this is the country, dogs run free' but it is bothersome. As a dog lover, I just can't imagine letting ours (DH's german shep and my 2 pound mutts) run loose.

That's insane!!! I've always lived in the country, we do not, nor do my neighbors, allow our dogs to run loose. Yes my dogs are loose on my property, but they have been trained not to go past our fenceline. No matter what!!! As puppies, once and a while they would be just beyond the gate on the driveway and wait there for us to return, upon arriving back home and finding them there, they would be told to "get in the fence" and not petted until after they got to where they belonged! They then learned, plus the older dogs didn't venture beyond our fence. The pups got the idea.

It's just not right that they feel that since they are in the "country" that they can just allow their dogs to go where ever they want. Open invitation to get their dogs killed if you ask me.​
I would venture to guess that 98% of towns and cities have leash laws. It's not just for the dog's protection. It's for the people too! If a dog ever bit me, that would be the first and last time.
If they're letting the Akitas run loose then the owners are liable for any damages to anything or anyone on your property.
"It's the country, they can run free"...grr...
All dog breeds can be vicious and all dogs can be wonderful. It depends on genetics, socialization at a young age and proper training. Both socialization and training must continue through the life of the dog.

We had an Akita/Shepherd (both breeds considered 'aggressive') mix that was the smartest and most wonderful dog we've ever had. He loved people and animals. He was well socialized and trained from the time we got him at eight weeks old till his death. He helped 'raise' our three youngest children. One night when I was home alone with our toddlers (about 10:00 p.m.) a man came to my door. I opened my door and the man asked to use my phone - his car had broken down. I felt uneasy about this guy but before I could even answer my sweet, loving Akita mix ran up to the door, pushed himself between me and the man and gave the most fearsome growl I'd ever heard. It shocked me and scared the man - he literally ran away never to be seen again. I truly believe my dog felt that something wasn't 'safe' about that guy and he was protecting me.

Those Akita's were doing what they were bred for. Unfortunately they have poor owners who need to be held responsible for their dogs uncontrolled behavior. I hope a report was filed by the people. Action does need to be taken now before they do more serious damage to someone or another animal. Just don't blame the dogs... blame their owners.

I realize that it's not possible ... But, I wish people had to pass a test before being allowed to add certain animals to their household. People should need to know what their dog was originally bred for and they should need to know how to properly raise and train that dog. Some people should never be allowed to own certain breeds/animals.
You know 100 years ago, when the dogs were out with Dad while he worked the farm or followed Mom around while she was doing chores, MAYBE that was true and meant something. But it's just plain irresponsible to just leave your dog running outside all day unless you're with them..

I hope your neighbors hand the medical (or replacement) bills to t he owners of the Akitas, like Pitties and so many other "vicious" breeds, the problem usually does not lie in the dog, the problem usually lies solely at the feet of the owners who don't take the time to train their dogs.

And I would definitely add more wire.

I need to actually figure out how I'm going to handle the golden who has been running around my property the last two days with the free ranging feather-heads (I hadn't seen him until yesterday, and he's really handsome, but he is NOT welcome with the chickies around).
That's insane!!! I've always lived in the country, we do not, nor do my neighbors, allow our dogs to run loose. Yes my dogs are loose on my property, but they have been trained not to go past our fenceline. No matter what!!! As puppies, once and a while they would be just beyond the gate on the driveway and wait there for us to return, upon arriving back home and finding them there, they would be told to "get in the fence" and not petted until after they got to where they belonged! They then learned, plus the older dogs didn't venture beyond our fence. The pups got the idea.

It's just not right that they feel that since they are in the "country" that they can just allow their dogs to go where ever they want. Open invitation to get their dogs killed if you ask me.

That's why I said what I said.

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