Albino Superworm and bubble in egg (not airsack)


8 Years
Jul 20, 2012
QLD Australia
Today, I went to the petstore and bought some Superworms as a treat to my ducks (I thought they were mealworms) and as I tip them into a big container to pick them out for my ducks, I notice a white one, so I have a look and everything is white. I compared it to the other superworms and this one had no colouring... interesting.

And when I lured the ducks off their nest with some of the other Superworms, I went inside to candle to eggs (figuring out the best position for when the males are interested (they are 2 months old now)), and I found a loose bubble in it.

Bubble in egg, pic isn't too good.

Ms Broody in her nest (Daffy, just figured I'd throw this one in here)

Albino worm next to normal worm.
I can't help you with the bubble in the egg, but the white superworm isn't an albino. Mealworms, kingworms, and superworms all molt, and when they've just shed their old skin, they're white. Once the new skin hardens up, it will be tan again.
I can't help you with the bubble in the egg, but the white superworm isn't an albino. Mealworms, kingworms, and superworms all molt, and when they've just shed their old skin, they're white. Once the new skin hardens up, it will be tan again.
WOW - that's interesting - thanks for posting!

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