All advice for raising ducklings please

32.5" x 19.5" at the top so bottom is a bit smaller. My MHP is 24x12, well a tad smaller since my frame is smaller so it takes up a decent amount of 1 bin which is why I am putting 2 together.
The hole between them should probably be maybe 6"? Once they figure out where the food and water is, they should have no issues.
The hole between them should probably be maybe 6"? Once they figure out where the food and water is, they should have no issues.
Thanks. I was thinking 8" or so. Having my husband make a sheet metal square to connect them since there is a gap between them because of the top being bigger than the bottom.... Going to put some liner on the bottom so it isn't slippery.

Figured for the first day or two I would have everything in one bin then once they are more active I would move it. I know with my chicks they don't go far from the MHP for a couple days then they are all over the place
Thanks. I was thinking 8" or so. Having my husband make a sheet metal square to connect them since there is a gap between them because of the top being bigger than the bottom.... Going to put some liner on the bottom so it isn't slippery.

Figured for the first day or two I would have everything in one bin then once they are more active I would move it. I know with my chicks they don't go far from the MHP for a couple days then they are all over the place
Ducklings are adventurous, and honestly will soon not stay under the plate except at night. With duck-raised babies, they rarely huddle under mom, unlike chicks.

Can't wait to see yours!
Ducklings are adventurous, and honestly will soon not stay under the plate except at night. With duck-raised babies, they rarely huddle under mom, unlike chicks.

Can't wait to see yours!
We have our first pip!!!!!! And funny but not one of the ones I thought was internally pipped, but one of the first 2 I saw shadowing in. Just never noticed an internal pip. So now keeping a close eye for bruising on those 2.

It is day 25, well day 25 technically starts in 7 hrs. So guess technically day 24 still. Now the LOOOONNNGGGG wait for hatch!!!!


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Got home from work and no new pips.....

When do I start my count for the 2 well maybe 1 that I posted last night for internal pips? Ducks are still 24 hrs from internal to external right? Then I know hatch can take 48 hrs. So know to wait for that.
Do ducklings not peep in the egg like chicks do? I haven't heard a single peep from the incubator but when I hatch chicks I normally hear them often.

I know silly question but I was curious. Lol
No more external pips. I have tried to candle through the incubator for the ones in the front which are the ones that had shadowing at lockdown. Sometimes I can see some I can't.

Last take egg out and peek was yesterday morning since I got a pip after that. I am almost positive that one egg still not pipped this morning was internally pipped then if not the night before.

No more pips yet. And I don't see bruising but think I need to do a safety hole on one of the eggs. It is around or over 24 hrs since internal pip

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