All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

I was thinking I’d like to post all the new babies pics here... I posted them on the TRUMP thread so I’d like to put them here...

Here are Daisy, Minnie, Betty, and Wilma... I got them on March 12th... View attachment 2595454View attachment 2595455View attachment 2595456View attachment 2595457View attachment 2595458View attachment 2595461View attachment 2595459View attachment 2595462View attachment 2595463View attachment 2595464View attachment 2595465
I never get tired seeing them. 🥰
Thank you! I do love them all together... but I fear with all the EEs that I keep adding I’m gonna wind up with all blues eventually... and my two new Leghorns will give me white.. so soon I’ll prolly have a pretty dull batch! I really want some more dark ones.. so if I happen upon some French Copper Marans then I will snatch em up!
These are problems to have. :barnie Maybe some of your new EEs will lay brown. You never know.
Good morning WhoDat! Wow, 3 weeks already. I love their play yard. I need to make something like this when I get my new chicks. I hope you had a lovely Easter! 💞
Morning my fren! They do grow so fast but on one hand I like that cuz things are just easier when they are out with the whole flock!
Hey everyone. Sorry I have been a little absent over the holiday but I went away for the weekend and had trouble keeping up with my own thread.

I'm going to try and catch up so I might be commenting on old stuff. Please forgive me.
I was wondering... I thought you abandoned me 😔
Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became the Princess of
some fluffy derrières....

I got my first chicks in March of 2018.... 8 little pullets.. Ruby-RIR... Rosemary-Australorp... Maryn-Australorp.. Kelly-EE... Sunny-BO... Claire-Barnevelder... Kathryn-GLW (have since rehomed her) and Nilky-Silkie (also rehomed)

In March of 2019 I got three new babies... Lilly-LB (she just passed away last week) Mak-CM... and Goosie-SS
In April I got three Cochin bantams.. Cutie, Lil Red, and Petunia that I gave Nilky to raise but they have also been rehomed..
In May of 2019 I got three more babies.... Magnolia (Maggie), Daffodil (Daffy), and Poppy... all EEs

In May of 2020 I got TRUMP-NN (rehomed him yesterday)... Claudine and Clementine-EEs

In August I got The Brady Bunch... Marcia, Jan, and Cindy- OEs

In March of this year.. 2021... I got Daisy-WL... Minnie-BL... Betty and Wilma-EEs

I guess I didn’t really tell how I became a Princess of my chickens but that was just me being funny!
Starting this new thread because my old one was all about TRUMP... well, mostly.. and since he is no longer here I thought I should start a new one.
All are welcome to share in the fun! Plenty of pics to come....
No need to explain how it happened- we all know- Chicken Math. Right now, I have 8 hens and only wanted 5. Two are special needs- Missy an elder (Mottled Orpington - see avatar - over 5 yrs old who only lays very rarely) and Margaret a 2.5 yr old BCM crossbeak with blind eye who lays bloody eggs about 3x a week. The working hens who lay the eggs I use are Abigail, Deb who are 6 month old Lakeshore eggers and Lily who is a 6 month old Austra White. they lay eggs like champs. To be rehomed are Aunt Boo- a 1.5 yr old Speckled Sussex, Freida, a 1.5 yr old Lt Brown Leghorn and Bonnie a 6 month old Lakeshore Egger. These are great chickens and a starter pack for my niece. So now, with only 3 layers, I need more babies....chicken math.
We eat em all the time... the chickens like theirs cooked 😁.... I give em the shells... I’ll show their yolks after they eat them... View attachment 2591820View attachment 2591819View attachment 2591822
Now as far as them eating them out of the yard... I’m not sure they would be able to dig em out... maybe they could.. but they are pretty deep. My grandson was here trying to fish them out with a piece of meat.. he dug down and had scooped out a bunch of babies!
MMMMM Brings back memories!! I was raised in Morgan City and we frequently had crawfish boils.

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