All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

This is so true!
And I keep meaning to get over to your thread! But by the time I’ve.. sort of.. caught up on the threads I regular my tablet starts acting up! I’m still holding out hope for this thing🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Maybe it’s time to break down and upgrade to a new tablet! Hahaha. 💻
Morning WhoDat :frow What's your plan for today ? How much more work do you have left to do ?
Oh my goodness! Tons... it’s going slowly cuz I keep changing my mind on what I want🤦‍♀️
We did get the floor down in the girls room.. that’s two rooms down🎊🎉 But still need the shoe moldings put in so I can put those two rooms together! Hubby’s job is very labor intensive so he’ll not work in the evenings after work.. especially when it’s this hot! And he’ll only do so much on the weekends... he’s not as young as he used to be🙄😄
And then there are the weekends that get interrupted by fishing😳 I figure he needs that so I am sort of okay with slow goings🤷🏼‍♀️

Today I plan to catch the foster Wyandottes and bring to my friend.. I’m excited about this cuz then I’ll have time to spend with the three C’s... Cake, Candy, and Cookie💕
And how about you... what are you up to lately?
Oh my goodness! Tons... it’s going slowly cuz I keep changing my mind on what I want🤦‍♀️
We did get the floor down in the girls room.. that’s two rooms down🎊🎉 But still need the shoe moldings put in so I can put those two rooms together! Hubby’s job is very labor intensive so he’ll not work in the evenings after work.. especially when it’s this hot! And he’ll only do so much on the weekends... he’s not as young as he used to be🙄😄
And then there are the weekends that get interrupted by fishing😳 I figure he needs that so I am sort of okay with slow goings🤷🏼‍♀️

Today I plan to catch the foster Wyandottes and bring to my friend.. I’m excited about this cuz then I’ll have time to spend with the three C’s... Cake, Candy, and Cookie💕
And how about you... what are you up to lately?
You are way busier than me, I don't even bake or cook that much. Today I will feed the chickens, wash dishes and if we go to town today get some scone mixes. That way I don't have to be standing as long.

I'm Avery boring person right now 🤷. I'll be on a roll and then have to stop for the pain. Once it subsides, I'm back at it. They gave me Hydocodone-Acetamin 5-325 , which would just put me to sleep. I'm now on Tramadol 50mg , 2\3 times a day.
You are way busier than me, I don't even bake or cook that much. Today I will feed the chickens, wash dishes and if we go to town today get some scone mixes. That way I don't have to be standing as long.

I'm Avery boring person right now 🤷. I'll be on a roll and then have to stop for the pain. Once it subsides, I'm back at it. They gave me Hydocodone-Acetamin 5-325 , which would just put me to sleep. I'm now on Tramadol 50mg , 2\3 times a day.
I’m sorry to hear this😕
But I get it.. I don’t mind those days when I do nothing at all!! And I am a home body.. so staying put and doing nothing is the way to go!! And then I can bing watch Heartland 💕❤️💕❤️
But you are good for baking! I don’t even do that anymore.. especially since all the grocery stores have anything you could want from their awesome bakeries... already prepared and ready to eat!🎂🍰🍪👅
I know it would be a bit sad - but also fun and cute - I remember that very first post and it still makes me laugh and he was sooo cute at that age.
Here you go!

And this is my most favorite pic of all time! I just love it!💕❤️

Oh, and I just got an update about him yesterday! The girl I gave him to went back to work where my husband works and she said he is doing great with his eight ladies! ❤️

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