All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

Sad news today... I lost Big Mak during the night... she didn’t come into the coop last evening and good thing I did a head count or she would have been left out in the rain! I found her just sitting so I went and got her and she didn’t flinch... she is usually a very touch me not/don’t come near me kinda gal... I placed her in one of the nest boxes and blocked it off so in the morning no one would harass her... well, she was dead when I went out.. no real signs of illness except for the fact that she had chronic diarrhea... since forever 🤷🏼‍♀️... but she has always been a very active chicken so I just thought that’s the way she was...
I am keeping everyone cooped up as the coop/run is the only dry place around! I am starting to wonder a bit that it may be the wet conditions that has caused something..... View attachment 2756661
so very sorry for your loss.
Good Morning!
I have 7- 8 week olds that I am in the middle of trying to integrate with my 5- 1 year old hens. They have been free ranging all together for a week now, everything seems ok. There is some pecking, my barred rock is the worst which totally surprised me. But all in all they seem to co exist other than the littles never being allowed to have a treat :(
They are separated in the run when not free ranging and have their own little temporary coop.
So my next hurdle is getting them into the big coop together. They want to go in there, every evening after the big girls go in, they sit on the door and venture just inside but are super nervous. . Last night they were so close! they even tried going in and roosting on the window sill. Should I put them in there and shut the door or wait for them to get the nerve? I'm off from work for 12 days after today so I will be able e to supervise them more closely.

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