All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

Oh no...sorry this happened WhoDat, that's awful! We had a cat that would just all of a sudden attack. When she attacked my daughter in the face that was the end! There was just something broken in her. It was not an easy decision.
Thank you... yea, that’s sort of the way I feel... if he would ever attack our face that’d be it! But it may be it if he even ever does it again anywhere!
When I hug and kiss him now... I’m a little cautious... and hubs will say.. how do you even pet him after that 😄... he thinks I should hold a grudge I guess!
And yes... it would be very difficult! 😞
So??? What did you end up doing with the cat?
Forgiving him 😳🤷🏼‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Here he is with three of his “siblings”.... he is the Siamese on the floor...
Thank you... yea, that’s sort of the way I feel... if he would ever attack our face that’d be it! But it may be it if he even ever does it again anywhere!
When I hug and kiss him now... I’m a little cautious... and hubs will say.. how do you even pet him after that 😄... he thinks I should hold a grudge I guess!
And yes... it would be very difficult! 😞
So then you still have the cat,
I am so sorry you all have gone through this, but only you can decide.
We all love you all and know this is hard.🥰😘
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Oh yeah... I was talking with my uncle and mentioned BYC and he said he knew all about it and used to come here.. not sure if he ever had an account... but I was bragging on all of my wonderful chicken friends that I have from all over the world!! 💕❤️ And of course pointed out that beautiful blanket on the chair over there and said that my friend @Ribh in Australia made that for me and also one for my girl!
I am grateful for all of my dear friends here💕... I really do brag on yall a lot❤️.... and mention yall so often that the girl and hubs know yall by name😁
Awww! I am too touched!

Thank you so much, I feel very honored!

(So, am I known as Crazy or Cochin?🤔)😂
Oh no...sorry this happened WhoDat, that's awful! We had a cat that would just all of a sudden attack. When she attacked my daughter in the face that was the end! There was just something broken in her. It was not an easy decision.
Probably before I was born, my mother had an Akita, Micah (among the many others at the time) who grabbed at a piece of redwood, but the bark eventually got to a point where it went deeper into the roof of his mouth, and he ended up becoming un-trustable and aggressive, it messed with his mental state. She loved him but would he have bitten my mother? Yes, he probably would have.

They didn't put him down, eventually, he died of a natural cause.

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