All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

We haven’t fed them any chicken yet. Somehow it seems wrong. :eek: We have given them cooked eggs.
We dont give them eggs much, except for the ones they break in the boxes or once in a blue moon scrambled eggs. This broody SS of ours usually always has a broken egg under her, for some strange reason.🤔
Good Morning Sue!!!
Iam so glad my husband will be home today. He went to Lynchburg Va. to see his sister that flew in from Greece, they spent time with mom 95 this week. Sister will stay 2 months but DH just a week.
Good morning GrandmaDeKorte :frow Greece is a lovely place to visit, we went back in the early 90s for vacation. That's good that he's spent time with family, but I know your happy he's coming home 😍.
Good Morning, Coop-Opera,
I hope you all have a Wonderful Day,
lavender-and-morning-coffee-in-garden-setting-F04AP2 (2).jpg

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