All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

Oh it was all so sad. I had a period of about a month where one of my ladies died every week.
We never discovered what was wrong but I am increasingly thinking some kind of poison - maybe mold in feed or something.
I lost both the Roadrunners and I miss them dearly - as well as two of the three new chicks. The remaining one survived and is now top hen.
My older ones also died but they were all production breeds and nearly four so I think that was more like bad genes, reproductive issues etc.

I have a Roadrunner in my new batch of chicks though so far she doesn't really look like the others so I am not sure if she will really be a Roadrunner. She is very cute and her name is Winnie (the Pooh). She is the one with the crest nearest the camera.

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Oh gosh! I’m so sorry! That is very sad😥
But happy you got some new ones! And I love Winnie the Pooh😄❤️
Screenshot 2023-06-16 at 7.40.08 AM.jpeg
Yall, it is really so hot here! I almost lost Sunny on Wednesday! If I wasn’t out there with the hose when I was she would have most certainly died! She was wobbling and falling over and gasping for air! I placed her in a puddle and hosed her down! She eventually got better. I keep the hose out there on mist which creates big puddles that they hang out in and near the mist spray! It helps tremendously! If it weren’t for that I’m certain I’d lose some. Our feels like temps are 108🥵

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