All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

I just wanted to let yall know that a dog got in my chicken yard and killed 12 of my chickens.. 5 are injured and 7 seem okay besides shock. I am devastated and heartbroken.. I can’t even handle this😞 Cindy looks like she is about to die and Cake will have to be culled😭😭😭
The image of them laying everywhere will haunt me.
I feel like I failed them. This is horrific.. I can’t breathe
Oh no! This is so heartbreaking. I am so very sorry. Stay strong, as the survivors need you! Great big hug to you.
Oh WhoDat, this is a horrible thing. My heart breaks for you. :hugs :hugs

I know the replay you are doing as I have done it with a tragedy here, and it does not help to berate yourself. Try to forge ahead if you can. Because you need to survive it too, and your mind is not always being your friend by putting you through the imaginary scenes it makes up and replaying what you did see. PTSD is real and can become a problem if you're unable to process through the horror.

Your dear chickens that made it through do need you now and doing what is needed for them is your path forward, for you to save yourself too. Try to stay in the present with them. They aren't running the tape again and again, they are trying to calm down and feel good and get through the day too, they have to metabolize the fear chemicals generated, get a sense of safety back and have their routines resume. You do too. :hugs :hugs

OK sorry to belabor the point but this is a real trauma to you also, you know this. So you need to treat it too. This may help - when you feel the horror, let yourself feel it but don't run the imagined scene or the picture you got when you discovered them in your mind, that prolongs it, enlarges it, and you can get stuck there. Just stay with and acknowledge the feeling that has arrived, staying aware of your present surroundings, with the real things and beings around you. Be with your pets, your chickens. Let the feeling come but also let it go, let it pass through you and it will hopefully slowly diminish and you'll be able to breathe. :hugs :hugs
Wonderfully said. ❤️
I read yesterday about the attack. I didn't know your flock and your thread, but my heart goes out to you. So much drama is just overwhelming. I hesitated to post, because I don't want to be intruding. But I never felt so alone than when I felt sad for my chicken's deaths and if it wasn't for the support I had on BYC I would not have realised how normal it was to be in such a dark place. So I just want to say i’m sad this happened, and I will be following your update, because I really hope the survivors will progressively heal.

I also read your thread on the emergency forum. I have only one experience of a serious wound and there's two things I will note. My hen's wound stank for a long time, and the vet gave her antibiotics to be sure, but she said it was not infected. Stinking does not always mean infection.
And, being alone, while sometimes physically unavoidable, definitely hinders healing. My hen pecked continuously at her wound until she was allowed back in her flock. Your birds are in schock. They need to see each other every day to know they're alive ! Don't expect them to even act a bit normal before at least two or three weeks. Sure, you will need to supervise them if you put them together first, and maybe it's just for some little time.

Last thing I can say, be kind to yourself and reach out whenever you need.
I read yesterday about the attack. I didn't know your flock and your thread, but my heart goes out to you. So much drama is just overwhelming. I hesitated to post, because I don't want to be intruding. But I never felt so alone than when I felt sad for my chicken's deaths and if it wasn't for the support I had on BYC I would not have realised how normal it was to be in such a dark place. So I just want to say i’m sad this happened, and I will be following your update, because I really hope the survivors will progressively heal.

I also read your thread on the emergency forum. I have only one experience of a serious wound and there's two things I will note. My hen's wound stank for a long time, and the vet gave her antibiotics to be sure, but she said it was not infected. Stinking does not always mean infection.
And, being alone, while sometimes physically unavoidable, definitely hinders healing. My hen pecked continuously at her wound until she was allowed back in her flock. Your birds are in schock. They need to see each other every day to know they're alive ! Don't expect them to even act a bit normal before at least two or three weeks. Sure, you will need to supervise them if you put them together first, and maybe it's just for some little time.

Last thing I can say, be kind to yourself and reach out whenever you need.
Wonderfully said. :goodpost:
I read yesterday about the attack. I didn't know your flock and your thread, but my heart goes out to you. So much drama is just overwhelming. I hesitated to post, because I don't want to be intruding. But I never felt so alone than when I felt sad for my chicken's deaths and if it wasn't for the support I had on BYC I would not have realised how normal it was to be in such a dark place. So I just want to say i’m sad this happened, and I will be following your update, because I really hope the survivors will progressively heal.

I also read your thread on the emergency forum. I have only one experience of a serious wound and there's two things I will note. My hen's wound stank for a long time, and the vet gave her antibiotics to be sure, but she said it was not infected. Stinking does not always mean infection.
And, being alone, while sometimes physically unavoidable, definitely hinders healing. My hen pecked continuously at her wound until she was allowed back in her flock. Your birds are in schock. They need to see each other every day to know they're alive ! Don't expect them to even act a bit normal before at least two or three weeks. Sure, you will need to supervise them if you put them together first, and maybe it's just for some little time.

Last thing I can say, be kind to yourself and reach out whenever you need.
Thank you very much for your kind thoughts! You are never intruding!
I posted pics of their injuries if you or anyone else would like to see. Thank you again.

Pics are on the injury forum
These two seemingly happy… preening!

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