all my mutant cats


All things share the same breath- Chief Seattle
11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
The Emerald City
My Coop
My Coop
After posting the picture of the mutant black panther in my backyard recently; I got a request for pics of all my cats.

For those who missed it, here's the panther.


It' two of the outside cats sleeping together.

In no particular order:

This is the latest addition. I call him Notches because of the notches in his ears. He is not at all friendly, just hangs out her waiting for food. He'll let me push the food up close to him, but then sinks his claws into my hand. I have learned to be very quick. lol

This is Cleo, about 15 yo small female, also feral. She is the front end of the panther. I did trap her, had her fixed and forced her inside one winter. It did not go well, so I let her loose in the spring. She came to me as an abandoned cat from across the street when the people moved and left 7 cats. Another neighbor was using her for target practice when she first showed up as a little kitten.

Here's Zulu Khan. He's Cleo's friend(and has been since they were tiny kittens), also 15 yo. The back end of the panther. The two of them are often found sleeping together. He would love to be an inside/outside cat, but while he was neutered when he was a kitten, he has always had a spraying issue, so no inside time for him. He loves to be petted and held for a short time.

This is, dare I say, my favorite. Bug showed up on my doorstep a few winters ago, begging for food. I let her in and she ate 3 large bowls of food, then insisted on going back out. This pattern went on for a few weeks. She turned out to be a neighbor/friend's cat, and had a litter of kittens hidden in another neighbor's shed. All her kittens went to good homes, she got spayed, and then decided she liked me better than her original home.
One day I answered the door, and it was the neighbor's kids. They handed my "Sasha's" vet records and told me that mom said since she liked me better, I could have her. She is about 12 yo.

My namesake Imp/Blimp. What can I say? He has been an obnoxious, dirty, misbehaving, destructive, bully cat for all of his nearly 9 years. I rescued him from his mom Cleo, when he was a couple weeks old. The vet even put a Mr. Yuck sticker on his file.
He's special in many ways.

And last but not least is Mini, The last of the original feral cat family that came with my house. She's 15 also, and starting to show her age.

There is not any real purpose to this post, except to respond to the request for pics. And to invite others to share stories of their animal companions. There have been so many others over the years- Herbie George, Jake, Graby, Violet and many more. I have been so very fortunate to be able to take in the unwanted, unloved, and unappreciated; be able to care for them, into their old age.

Imp- Thanks for looking.
awwwwwww happy ,spoiled kitties..... Mini is a beauty but boy is THAT a LOOK she's giving the camera!
we have a HUGE feral cat problem in our town.Most of them look like Notches...Do you want some more that look like him? LOL
Gee, I only have one right now, no pics but he's a typical orange Morris, chubby and all, named Bear by the grandkids. Very purry and affectionate, even comes when called, wrestles with my mutt of a dog who's about the same size, spends half his time outside, at least. He was born here, the only one of the litter who didn't find another home, so was spayed young, which is always nice in a male. The last one was named Tillie, a typical tabby in appearance, a real terror, also attacked you when you fed her. She and Bear coexisted peacefully, though.

I've been taking in homeless cats (and dogs) all my adult life. The cats have all been indoor/outdoor; I start them inside, but always give in when they grow up some and want out.
You're a fantastic human being, Imp, for taking in these kitties that no one wanted.
I hate to admit it, but the Mr. Yuck sticker on Imp's file at the vet is HILARIOUS!
I have a weakness for black and tortoise shell kitties, especially the long hairs. Mini's mane is beautiful! My tortie would have a mane like that if she would stop pulling it out during allergy season.
My Tubby is allergic to fleas, mites, ragweed, oak pollen and rats. Good thing I don't need a barn cat.

Edited to add: Mine has red sticker (same as a yuck sticker) in her file too.
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awwwwwww happy ,spoiled kitties..... Mini is a beauty but boy is THAT a LOOK she's giving the camera!
we have a HUGE feral cat problem in our town.Most of them look like Notches...Do you want some more that look like him? LOL

Mini is beautiful, looks just like her mom & dad. Ol' Mange & Coalie. I don't think there were too many branches on that family tree.

I saw another strange black cat running across the neighbors lawn a couple nights ago.

aww they are all wonderful kitties and im sure very speciel! you are an angel for taking them all in!

It's so good of you to take them all in

Thank You! Both of you.


Orange cats are my favorite. I need another to find it's way to me.
Sounds like Tillie & Notches bit the hand that feeds them.

You're a fantastic human being, Imp, for taking in these kitties that no one wanted.
I hate to admit it, but the Mr. Yuck sticker on Imp's file at the vet is HILARIOUS!

It is funny. I raised Imp and his 2 brothers playing rough, so he is not afraid of people and will express his displeasure. He hates the vet, he's the one I post about not having bowels. Serious health scare a few years ago, so there were a series of painful visits.
The vet gets very defensive when I remind him how much he dislikes Imp.


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