Almost ruined a good Mother's Day for both of us.

4-H chicken mom

15 Years
Aug 3, 2007
Oberlin, OH
I almost step on this little guy in our yard. It didn't even move, even when I touched it with a stick.

This is a pic of the mom. She's acting like she has a broken wing to distract me from the baby.

This baby Killdeer. It is only about 4" tall.

This is Mom and baby together. I have never had Killdeers in my yard. What a great Mother's Day.
AWWWW I LOVE KILLDEER.... Sadly we havent had any this year , first time in over 8 years we havent had one.... My nephew destroyed a nest last year and havent seen any since....
I love killdeer. We have them all over, as a kid I din't like them much as they were in the field we played in at school, due to them we couldn't play there!
Oh how cute, Ive never seen baby killdeer. We have them all over here during the winter; they must head back north to have their young'uns. Just precious pictures.

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