Alpha and beta roosters....mating question

Jo Protherough

May 30, 2020
We have a flock of 22 hens and 2 roosters. The older rooster (Dot) is about 4 years old and has been alpha for about 3 years. Originally his flock was 9 hens. Last year we let some broodies sit and got 1 male and 10 we bought 3 more girls.

Now the beta rooster (Treacle) is adult he's turned sex crazed and is mating at every opportunity. Dots reaction to this is weird. When Treacle mounts a hen Dot legs it over to them intently. He literally puts his head right down between Treacle's head and the hen's, and spreads his wings out as if he was sheltering them. The only time he stops Treacle mating is when Treacle tries it on with Sharon, the alpha hen and Dot's long time favourite. Dot seems to have stopped mating himself but in all other respects is clearly the alpha and is treated as such by the flock.

Any ideas what is going on here? Dot was raised amongst roosters himself so maybe he's just very laid back? In all other respects he's the same aggressive shitty attitude but lovable bird he always was.
It sounds like he wants to protect the hen and interfere/stop the mating, but doesn't know how to wallop the other rooster, or he is non-confrontational.
Does he ever peck Treacle and put him in his place, or chase him for any reason such as away ftom food or fav spot? It may be Dot wants to get Treacle off the hen but is worried about hurting the hen, and then when the mating is done there's no need to defend her. If Dot is good against predators and gentle with people and hens, I'd give Treacle the boot.
What breed did you say?

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