Amazing book - The Calcium Lie


11 Years
Aug 8, 2008
This is an excellent and amazing book, and my personal experiences support much of what it says about Thyroid, GERD (acid stomach), Obesity, Diabetes, etc...

The Calcium Lie by Dr. Thompson and Kathleen Barnes
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How about the fluoride lie

What is truly getting to me is how unavoidable it is these days to avoid high fructose corn syrup - type 2 diabetes here we come - get to look forward to blindness, limb amputation & early death - yeah!
Well this is a topic that intensely interests me because my parathyroids died when I had my thyroid removed for cancer. I was in ICU for 9 days in tetany because your parathyroids control calcium balance and calcium is essential for every muscle cell in your body i.e. heart, veins, intestines, lungs, esophagus, bladder, etc. Think of a muscle cell like a long skinny canoe and it can not move at all without calcium as the oars. So I have to take massive doses of Calcium every day to even maintain a miserable existence with muscle pain. In the meantime, my bones are getting thicker and heavier and more brittle because they don't have the hormones that trigger the breakdown of bone to balance blood calcium. So when I have a longer second than I do now, I will be very interested in what they have to say....

Hows that for a long, boring story!! LOL
So I have to take massive doses of Calcium every day to even maintain a miserable existence with muscle pain. In the meantime, my bones are getting thicker and heavier and more brittle because they don't have the hormones that trigger the breakdown of bone to balance blood calcium. So when I have a longer second than I do now, I will be very interested in what they have to say....

wow... so sorry that happened to you! You are kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place, literally....

You can get the book pretty cheaply if you have a "Kindle" reading device. I wish I had one!​
Yeah, really. The media doesn't help either "call your doctor" "you need this if you have that" junk. Then find out all that stuff you were taking to prevent something causes a whole nother problem. Ehh

Thanks for that info Chicabee, I think I'll check it out.
I think the number # thing I've done to improve all of the things listed that I suffer from is MAGNESIUM supplements.

Today I decided to switch from my 'chemical' multi-vitamin to a 'whole food' multi. I'm researching which one would be best to get.
Do you have the ads where you are by the corn people trying to say that high fructose corn syrup is no worse than sugar? Those drive me batty!

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