Amazon Run/Tractor Supply Coop


In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2023
For our small flock of 5, we’ve found this setup to be great. Bought the run from Amazon (HITTITE). Used a 4x100’ roll of 1/2in hardware cloth around the run and bought a quality tarp to cover the top. Secured it with a plethora of zip ties (stainless steel zip ties for the hardware cloth). Secured run to the ground with 8 12in rebar stakes and cinder blocks along the edges where the hardware cloth skirts out. TS Coop isn’t the best but the covered run gives them plenty of space throughout the day and they seem to have no problem getting comfy in the coop at night. Added a dust bath today.



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I'd ditch the cinder blocks since you said the apron is already staked down - the blocks could cause pests to dig at the edge of the block which only has a few inches of HWC past it, and find their way in, versus digging at the edge of the run and being unable to find the edge of the apron.

Agreed about expanding the coop to use up the entire prefab space, not mini coop + mini run. The birds are still small now but they'll be much more tightly packed once they've grown, plus that coop doesn't look to have much (if any) ventilation which will be essential in a hot climate.

To turn it from 2 small "boxes" (tiny coop above tiny run) into 1 bigger "box" you'll want to remove as much of the inside coop wall as possible, plus the floor. Take out the old roosts too.

Nests might be able to stay as is, or may need to be relocated elsewhere or replaced - depends on the structure of the coop and how things inside stack up once done.

Run a new roost(s) lengthwise or widthwise across the newly open space, depending on how much roost is needed. Ideally you’d like 12” per bird but 10” can suffice in many cases.

Board up some of the external wire walls so that the roost area is protected from winds and rain. Do NOT fully cover up all the wire, you need ventilation and natural light, so at the very least a few inches under the roofline should remain open. If your climate allows for it, you can leave entire walls open with just the mesh, or make it convertible for the season by covering up open walls for winter, and then uncovering for summer.

Example of a modified prefab:
What about high winds as in hurricane? Make sure you strap that thing down
That's a good consideration. It will need more anchoring.

My coop is heavy enough to withstand expected hurricane strength in my area, but things can fall.. My overall plan is to open the coop and let them seek shelter in the bushes if they need to.

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