Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Unfortunately they think they did their homework. How many of us started with a 'great breeder' selling us true Ameraucanas that they have been breeding for years, only to find out we bought EE's.
Look at how all the hatcheries lead you to believe this also.
Unfortunately they think they did their homework. How many of us started with a 'great breeder' selling us true Ameraucanas that they have been breeding for years, only to find out we bought EE's.
Look at how all the hatcheries lead you to believe this also.

Got to give these guys credit for spelling them "Americana" then because if we miss that, it's totally on us. They guy I bought my first "Ameraucanas" from definitely spelled it correctly. He's even an active member of the APA. But I still came home with a box full of EEs. If only I'd known I should have been asked to pick a colour ...
The sad fact is, there are probably a lot of people out there that don't care if they are getting what we think is a real "Ameraucana". All they want is a relatively pretty chicken that lays a pastel coloured egg.

If the birds meet someone's needs why is that a "sad fact"? There are any number of valid reasons for having chickens. Pretty chickens & pretty eggs sound like valid reasons to me. Actually, I had a small flock of McMurray AMERICANAS a few years back. My kids liked the pretty chickens & pretty eggs & I certainly knew they weren't AMERAUCANAS.
Unfortunately they think they did their homework. How many of us started with a 'great breeder' selling us true Ameraucanas that they have been breeding for years, only to find out we bought EE's.
Look at how all the hatcheries lead you to believe this also.

That's why I'm so excited about this change. Ok it's true I would never buy these birds, and they're low quality. But finally FINALLY newcomers won't be misinformed about the breed. right off the bat. We get SO many people with EEs over in the "what breed or gender is this?" forum. And people are always SO disappointed when they learn they have EEs, and not Ameraucanas.

As one of the many people who have written to the hatcheries, and just received a 'Thank you for the information" generic e-mail back, it's very heartening to see this change in motion.
True, and thats ok as long as they don't breed and sell I guess. I do have a few EE but they r for our eating eggs, not breeding.
What is wrong with breeding and selling EE? A lot of people want the pretty eggs for eating like you..... and if you don't breed them you will lose your eating eggs one day. I love my EE pen, way more reliable layers of much bigger eggs

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